Preorders for March are now open. Test our mattress in store at 315 Outram Road, #01-10 Tan Boon Liat Building or call 87877817 for enquiries.


Natural Latex and Memory Foam: What’s the Difference?

Natural Latex and Memory Foam: What’s the Difference?

Many people assume that latex and memory foam are one and the same. This common misconception leads to all sorts of confusion during the mattress buying process.

In many ways trying to compare latex and memory foam is unfair. They are simply different. However, when buying a new mattress and choosing between them it is best to go armed with as much information as possible and fully aware of the pros and cons of each.

This article is here to provide you with the knowledge you will need to make the right choice for you.

A Willow 100% natural latex mattress: The healthy sleep choice

A Willow 100% natural latex mattress: The healthy sleep choice

We go to bed to rest, recuperate and rejuvenate.

The health benefits of a good night’s sleep are well documented; with medical experts worldwide agreeing that sleep not only keeps you looking younger but also keeps the brain and body feeling younger too. From your own experience you will have felt the difference in your performance following eight hours undisturbed shut-eye, as opposed to a night spent tossing and turning between the sheets.

However, as far as sleeping healthily goes, not all beds are created equal. Sleeping on a 100% all natural latex mattress from Willow provides, far and away, the healthiest night’s sleep you can get.

Your Guide to Buying the Best Mattress

Your Guide to Buying the Best Mattress

We will spend a third of our lives in bed - and most of that time we will spend sleeping. Or at least trying to sleep that is; because, it seems, people are increasingly reporting sleep conditions, disturbed and interrupted sleep. In 2007 The Better Sleep Council commissioned a consumer research survey to look in to factors impacting upon the quality of our sleep. Whilst 97% of respondents agreed “a good night’s sleep is essential to quality of life”, few appeared to be achieving this aim.

So, what is the single biggest factor impacting upon how well you sleep each night? The answer: the quality of your mattress.